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- Part 1
- KNIGHT ORC has one of the most user-friendly parsers of any computer
- adventure. For purposes of this walkthru, we will be taking full
- advantage of that parser. Instructions such as GO TO THE MOUNTAIN or
- FIND THE TROLL do not require you to search around or enter a string of
- directions. Simply enter that command and let the program do the work.
- Unfortunately, the game is populated by a party of adventurers who will
- try to start a fight with you for any or no reason. When starting out on
- any one section, it does no harm to enter the "ramsave" command. If you
- take too long trying to accomplish something, you may look around to
- discover that every adventurer and his auntie are getting in your way.
- In these cases, entering "ram restore" will bring you back to a,
- hopefully, manageable situation.
- Finally, although the game comes in three parts, note that Parts 2 and
- 3 are intimately related so that you actually complete them together. If
- you're anxious to understand the workings of these two parts, read "The
- Story Behind the Story." Otherwise, you can try to piece the background
- together as you proceed.
- Good morning Grindleguts! Sleep well? Bit of a headache? Sorry for the
- inconvenience but you're about to be skewered. It can't be avoided I'm
- afraid so you'll just have to suffer the indignity; that's a good orc.
- Wake up again and smell the garbage Grindleguts, it's time to get
- moving. Wear the cloak (the less people recognizing your Orcish
- features, the better), take the knife, and leave the trash heap. First,
- go to the Bar and examine it. There's a lot to see and explore there,
- but all you need is the spear. Take it and go to the castle. The
- innkeeper may, at any time, decide he wants his spear back. If he takes
- it, simply follow him back to the Bar and take it again. From there, go
- to the castle and read the note on the drawbridge. Throw the spear at
- the drawbridge (lucky you decided not to knock on it yourself!), pick up
- the spear, and go in. While you're standing on the lowered door, drop
- the spear and continue north. Go north to the stairway and up. From the
- top of the tower you can see every place you'll need to visit in order
- to complete Part 1: the Gibbet, the Clearing, the Crossroads, the
- Fairground, the Lawn, the Cave, the Oak, the Tower, the Well, and the
- Viaduct.
- Go down the steps and leave the castle, picking up the chest and the
- spear on your way out. Start at the Gibbet (which is apparently where
- criminals such as yourself usually end up) and take the noose. This is
- the first piece of rope you must obtain in order to escape from Part 1.
- From here, go to the Fairground and examine the flagpole which has the
- halyard tied to it -- another piece of rope. Tie the halyard to the rope
- you already have and you can be on your way.
- Go to the Well and tie your rope to the roller. Climb down the rope and
- take the Hessian hawser (yet another piece of rope), take the bucket if
- you wish, and climb back up. Take your rope and tie the hawser to it.
- Take the welcome mat and the key which you find underneath it. With the
- key, unlock the chest from the castle. There's a cord which supports the
- back of the chest -- yes, help yourself to it and tie it to your rope.
- By now, you've noticed that the so called treasures really aren't worth
- anything to you. But one, any one, will now come in handy. Take it and
- go to the Cave. Inside is a hermit who breaks into laughter when you
- offer him your treasure. When he turns around to put it in his (ZORK?)
- trophy case (If you've played THE PAWN, you're going to enjoy this!).
- HIT HIM! While he's flat on his face, take his belt and tie it to your
- rope.
- From here go to the Clearing. There's a goat here with a tether. (If
- you've played GOLDEN PATH, you needn't be worried). Take the tether, tie
- it to your rope, and ignore the goat. Go to the Crossroads. Tie your
- rope to the signposts, and shortly you'll see a wild orc-hunter swinging
- his lasso and coming right for you. Your rope will trip him off his
- horse and leave him momentarily dazed. Take his lasso, tie it to your
- rope and leave. Go to the Oak and enter it. Ignore the gold piece and
- take the washing line. Tie it to your rope and go to the Tower.
- The Tower is separated from you by a heavy growth of thorns. Put the
- welcome mat on the thorns and go north to the Tower. This is Rapunzel's
- Tower! This is Rapunzel's hair! This is indecent! Cut the innocent
- girl's hair, tie it to your rope, and go to the Lawn. Here, as Sir
- Gawain was once challenged, so will you be by the Green Knight! He
- offers you his axe and lays bare his neck for you to sever. Kill his
- horse! The green guy is buried in equine gore for the moment, so you can
- take the late horse's reins and add them to your rope.
- At this point your score should read 100 and you must have the
- innkeeper's spear. If he's taken it back, simply return to the Bar and
- get it. Then, go to the Viaduct. Tie your rope to the spear and take one
- step south of the Viaduct. Throw the spear at the ring which hangs over
- the Viaduct and you will complete Part 1.
- Part 2
- You are not an Orc, nor are any of the other Orcs. The Rainbird is not
- a bird, the troll is not a troll, the dragon is not a dragon, and the
- mouse is not a mouse. You are all robots, programmed to play roles in a
- live action adventure being staged for the amusement and participation
- of a group of role-playing adventurers.
- Visors, worn by human and robot participants, holographically transform
- the dull interior of a warehouse into the apparition of Middle Earth.
- Similarly, participants are transformed into wizards, warriors,
- barbarians and so fourth. Hence, you are not an Orc; you are a robot
- programmed to behave as an Orc.
- When you crossed the Viaduct you suffered just enough trauma to loosen
- your visor and make yourself aware of your true surroundings. By reason
- of your intelligence, you are overcome with the drive to escape the
- warehouse. To do this you need to reprogram (or recruit) other robots to
- help you along. To wit, the mouse, the troll, the dragon and the
- Rainbird.
- PART 2
- Keep your visor on. There is only one time it will be necessary to
- remove it, or it can be removed any time you wish to see things
- differently.
- Accumulating treasures, as you have seen in Part 1, is not your goal in
- Knight Orc. They may not be valuable, but they are useful. Pick up the
- silver loaf. Try to hold on to it, and any other treasures you come
- across. But don't get upset (DON'T FIGHT!) over the theft of one of
- these treasures. Go to the mountain and read the inscription. Your score
- just went up and you can now cast the GLOW spell. If you don't believe
- me, enter the mountain and CAST GLOW (on yourself will do nicely).
- Once inside the mountain, go south which will take you into a very
- small maze. Go southeast and CAST GLOW. This will transfer the glow from
- yourself to the walls of the room. Go east and this room will be dark.
- There are glowing letters there, the COLD spell, which you cannot read
- when the room is lit. Cast the glow spell back on yourself (check out
- the letters if you didn't believe me) and go west, northwest, north,
- east, north, east, and up. WHACK! You've been assaulted by the
- Orc-pounder! You need a helmet to go up these steps, and Oink is the Orc
- who is wearing one. FIND OINK. Once you do, take his helmet and wear it.
- GO TO LANDING then go back up the stairs. Now you can take the sack, the
- tray, and the knife. Put the silver loaf (if you still have it -- if not
- don't worry) inside the sack. Anything in the sack will be hidden from
- sticky-fingered adventurers. Go down, then west twice. Leave the tray
- for Grok, but be sure to take his map.
- The Rainbird is a very important character in the story. You'll need
- him to help complete the game, but first you can get a lot of valuable
- information simply by asking him about things. GO TO THE RAINBIRD. Once
- there, you'll also notice a book. It's sort of a hint/spell book. If you
- decide to read it, you'll learn a free spell. But if you solve 100% of
- the game's puzzles, there will be no need to open the book. The book can
- only be read once, so think carefully before touching it. Also near the
- Rainbird is a small pond and a druid who wanders in and out. Watch the
- druid -- you'll learn the CHARISMA spell which will make you or anyone
- else more handsome. Best to cast it on yourself -- an Orc needs all the
- help he can get. For now, ignore the ants and their anthill. Before
- leaving this area, ask the Rainbird about his perch to learn the LOCATE
- spell.
- Find the frog now, and when the slimy, green creature stands still for
- a moment (this shouldn't surprise anyone), kiss him. The frog will belch
- up a pebble which you should read to learn the JUMP spell. There is only
- one spot in the game where the JUMP spell is useful. Go to the mountain
- entrance, and go east until you can't continue in that direction. CAST
- JUMP EAST and you'll be in a secret room where you'll learn the SWORD
- spell. CAST JUMP WEST will return you to your possessions which you lost
- when casting the spell previously.
- Part 3
- Go to the Garden and take the garlic. Go west and you'll be inside a
- shed. Wait for the custodian, who will eventually join you and point out
- a piece of paper with the GROW spell. Leave the shed and CAST GROW ON
- MARROW. Examine the marrow and you'll learn the very useful CURE spell.
- Anytime your health becomes compromised, you can cast CURE on yourself
- and be fully recovered. Go east from the Garden to find the Haunted
- House.
- Enter the House and go north. In the Brown Study is a fireplace. Cast
- cold on the fire; then examine the fireplace to learn the mysterious EYE
- spell. Go east and then south. Save your game here because there's a lot
- to accomplish in this room, and you're likely to be interrupted by the
- adventurers.
- The mouse enjoys this room, and if you look under the bed, you'll see
- his favourite hiding place. Cast the EYE spell and tell the floating
- eye to enter the hole. From inside, you'll see a strange card. Take it, put
- something else (perhaps Oink's helmet) inside the hole, and close the
- door. Try to catch the mouse -- he'll try to hide in his hole, but
- you've prevented that; he'll hide in a crack in the wall. When he
- emerges, put something in the crack, such as the garlic. Try to catch
- him again, and he'll hide in a crevice in the wall. When he emerges from
- the crevice, put something (such as the knife) in the crevice. Drop the
- sack and try to catch the mouse again. Now you've done it! No place to
- hide so the mouse runs right in your sack. Pick up the sack and anything
- else (the garlic, etc.) you used to plug up mouse hiding places. You
- should have the mouse now, though you have not yet "recruited" him.
- Leave the room by going north. You should now wait for or find the
- ghost. Follow him for a while, and eventually he'll take you to another
- bedroom in the house and show you a secret part of this room which
- contains some old bones. Take the bones then drop them. You've just
- learned the SLOW spell. And perhaps you've noticed how the mouse is
- trying to communicate with you. CAST SLOW ON MOUSE and he'll teach you
- the DEATH spell (overuse of which will cause you to be evicted from the
- game). Even though the mouse will pay attention to you, he is not yet
- recruited.
- Mouse in hand, go to the dragon. A terrible beast, he has only one
- vulnerable spot on his lizard body. Too small for you to reach, but no
- problem for the mouse. Once again, you've stopped a belligerent
- creature, but not yet recruited him. Go back past the dragon, and follow
- the halls until you come to his hoard. Don't bother with the gold, just
- take the piece of dragon-scale.
- You must now encounter the troll, a hideous woman interested only in
- wealth. You will need some treasures for her such as the silver plate,
- silver fish, silver moon, silver sixpence, silver candlestick, silver
- sliver, silver salver, silver fox or many others which you will find in
- Middle Earth. Take advantage of this unusual parser and ask it to find
- the various treasures you've seen lying around, then put each one in the
- flour sack where they will not be stolen. When you have at least seven
- treasures, GO TO TROLL. Save your game here! Thousands of things can --
- and will -- go wrong before it all works out the way you want. Remove
- your treasures from the sack while standing next to the troll. Wait for
- her to steal something from you. When she does start moving away from
- her bridge. Go west if the bridge is to the east, or go south if the
- bridge is to the west. She'll follow you (though you may have to wait a
- bit) and, taking her time, will steal another treasure. Move another
- step away and wait for her again to show up and steal another treasure.
- Repeat this process until you are about four or five moves west or
- south of the bridge where you found her. Then drop the remainder of your
- treasures and GO TO BRIDGE. There is a door on the bridge leading north
- which is locked by three bolts. The command, OPEN DOOR, will have to be
- given three times before you can enter the troll's secret room...IF you
- have led her far enough away and left her with enough treasure to
- distract her. Once inside the room, grab her wallet. She'll show up and
- beg for her wallet back. Don't give it to her, not even if she bargains
- for it. Not until she admits defeat are you ready to recruit her.
- Part 4
- Recruiting in Middle Earth is no easy chore. In fact, you were never
- meant to recruit anyone in the first place. Have you died yet? There is
- no permanent death (well, almost none) in Middle Earth. Like Viking
- warriors, you're scooped up from the battlefield by the ever vigilant
- Valkyrie and dropped into Valhalla, where you experience resurrection
- and re-emerge back into the game. At the instant of death, all of a
- player's equipment, except those being worn, are dropped on the ground
- where they can be recovered after the adventurer has been raised from
- the dead. As a robot, however, you discover that Valhalla is,
- appropriately enough, a repair shop where a useful item is kept which
- will affect other robots. First, you must find a dead character. The
- adventurers fight among themselves, so you should be able to find one of
- their fallen. Or, if need be, kill one yourself. Whoever it is, give
- that character the glittering card you found in the mouse hole.
- Now wait for the Valkyrie. She'll be there soon. When she picks up the
- courier-carcass, follow her or go directly to the glittering gates. Once
- you see the Valkyrie enter the gates with your deceased card-carrier,
- remove the visor and cast the DEATH spell on yourself. You're dead. Look
- around Valhalla and pick up the glittering card, which you can now see
- is a magnetic access card. Open the closet in Valhalla (which would not
- be visible if you were wearing the visor), and take the device inside --
- the reprogrammer -- the recruiter.
- Once you emerge from the pearly gates, you'll find the objects you
- dropped when you "died." Take everything, and once again wear the visor.
- Make sure you have the garlic and the mouse (remember you can use the
- "find" command should anything be missing), and go to the Graveyard. You
- should now RECRUIT MOUSE. South of the Graveyard is a tomb which you
- cannot yet enter. South of that is a vampire. He'll drink his fill from
- the mouse (the garlic is protecting you) and then teach you the KNIVES
- spell. Take the half-coin which is there and go north. You may wish to
- heal the mouse with your CURE spell or the Valkyrie will do the job for
- you.
- Find the troll and, using the recruiter, recruit her. Have her follow
- you to the tomb, then give her the half-coin; tell her to go north then
- insert it in the recess in the Gravestone. She'll go north, and shortly
- the tomb will open to reveal the DETECT spell.
- Find the troll again and instruct her to follow you to the apple tree
- in the Garden. Tell her to catch an apple while you shake the tree.
- Examine the apple to learn the EMPATHY spell.
- Again, with the troll, return to the bridge. There's a piece of
- slippery rope hanging from the bridge. Instruct the troll to pull the
- string, while you do the same yourself. As a result of your combined
- efforts a ring will be recovered from the water. Don't waste time
- examining it at this point. Go back to the fireplace (in the house) and
- throw the ring into the fire. Then examine it to learn the EXORCISE
- spell. (This last one was a trick question unless you had read THE LORD
- OF THE RINGS previously. If you're upset, blame the authors). Now find
- the driftwood (which also defies reading), and cast the EXORCISE spell
- on it. Here is the all-important FLY spell.
- Once more, with the troll, find the plaque in the Marsh. Instruct the
- troll to clean the plaque while you do the same. Only through the
- efforts of both of you will the plaque become clean enough to read the
- FIREBALL spell.
- Return to the Garden and cast FLY on the statue. Look under it to find
- the SHIELD spell.
- You are now ready to enter the Castle. Go to the Castle and cast the
- KNIVES spell on the ropes which are supporting the door. Cast the SHIELD
- spell on yourself, and boldly go south through the front door. Cast FLY
- on yourself to go over the pool of acid. While you are over it, notice
- the button at the bottom of the pool. Cast the SWORD spell and use the
- resultant broadsword to push the button. Continue south.
- At the end of the hallway, go west and then north. Here is a guard who
- quickly attaches a ball and chain to your leg. Don't worry about it (But
- make sure you have it strapped to you before leaving!), and go north
- until you find a suit of armour and a dagger in a scabbard. Wear the
- armour and take the scabbard, then return south. Go east, past where
- you entered the hall, until you come to another door. Open it. (Without the
- ball and chain, as well as the armour, you would quickly be fried.)
- Go north and you'll encounter a monk who is most unhappy to meet you.
- CAST FIREBALL and instruct it to attack the monk's spell scrolls. Go
- north again and read the panel to learn the LIGHTNING spell. Return
- south to the hallway, then west to the entrance. You can now cast GROW
- on the ball and chain in order to leave it behind. Go north until you
- are out of the Castle.
- Find the troll (who will not enter the Castle) and give her the
- scabbard. With her holding the scabbard you can remove the dagger which
- contains the TELEPORT spell. Have her go with you to the Rainbird.
- Instruct the troll to kill all the ants around the anthill, while you do
- the same. When the number of ants reaches zero (only for a second!) take
- the piece of amber from the anthill. Examine it to learn the MAGICIAN
- spell. Cast it on yourself, and if you've learned the other 20 spells,
- you can recruit the Rainbird.
- Go to the dragon and recruit him. Give him the small piece of dragon
- scale and escort him to the main exit. Once there go south, and watch
- the fire alarm go crazy.
- Go back and get the Rainbird, the mouse and the troll. (This trio tends
- to wander around a bit, particularly the troll, so keep an eye on all of
- them.) Bring the three of them down to the exit hallway (where the fire
- alarm is), and lead them all west. Instruct the troll to open the
- Maintenance Hatch. Give the mouse to the troll, and have her put the
- mouse in the hatch. You can now continue west to examine the Kiosk.
- Instruct the Rainbird to enter the Kiosk. You've escaped!
- Wonderful!...or is it?